Our Mission

We seek to connect all people with God and with one another with Purpose, Hope, and the Joy of knowing a life led by Jesus Christ. Our journey at FCCLR is to lead all God's children to Jesus the Christ in our community and beyond. We do this by embracing all God's children in joyful worship, fellowship, the study of God's Holy Word, and nurturing all in the wholeness of God's love that we find in Jesus Christ.

Our Message

  • We are committed to bringing all people into God's love.
  • We are Disciples of Christ, which means we overlook lines separating different denominations and beliefs to work with others to accomplish God's overarching plan. 
  • We are a Community of Believers that has existed for nearly two centuries, and we continue to draw strength from God by following the example of our many spiritual ancestors. 
  • We serve our community however we can, opening our doors to ALL of God's Children.
  • We optimistically look forward to what we can accomplish in our next century together as we continue t follow Jesus's teachings and show our love for all of God's children through service to our community. 

Vision & Values

We are a community of faith seekers on a journey with one another to grow as followers of Jesus. 

We welcome all, embrace differences, and listen purposefully to grow relationships.

We are glad you are here. You are Loved!